
Christians on Campus Oklahoma is a club of genuine believers who love to spend time reading the Bible and fellowshipping together. We gather regularly for on campus Bible studies, one on one and small group times of fellowship, home gatherings, campus outreach, and other such meetings.
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What We Believe

The common faith for which we are exhorted to earnestly contend

in which we believe for our common salvation. (Titus  1:4;  Jude 3)

Common Faith

The following are the eight points of the common faith based upon the facts in the Bible.  All of our speaking and practices are based on and flow out of these Biblical truths.

The Bible

The Bible is the complete divine revelation inspired by God, word-by-word through the Holy Spirit. (2 Pet. 1:21: 2 Tim. 3:16)

Triune God

God is uniquely one, yet triune-the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
(1 Tim. 2:5a; Matt. 28:19)

Jesus Christ

The Son of God, even God Himself, was incarnated to be a man by the name of Jesus Christ. (John 1:1, 14)


Christ died on the cross for our sins, shedding His blood for our redemption. (1 Pet. 2:24; Eph. 1:7a)

The Resurrection

Christ was resurrected from among the dead on the third day.
(1 Cor. 15:4)


Christ ascended to the right hand of God to be the Lord of all.
(Acts 1:9; 2:33, 36)


Whenever any person repents to God and believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, he is regenerated (born again) and becomes a living member of the Body of Christ. (Acts 20:21; John 3:3; Eph 1:22-23; Rom 12:5)

The Lord's Return

Christ is coming again to receive His believers to Himself. (1 Thes. 2:19)
Our Goal

Life, Truth, and Service.

To foster students in the growth of God's life unto maturity. - Eph 4:15; Col 1:28

To equip students in the full knowledge of the truth according to the scriptures. - 2 Tim 3:16-17; 1 Tim 2:4

To cultivate students in their service for the building up of the church. - Matt 28:19; Eph 4:12; 1 Cor 14:1